Happy St. Patty's
llustration by Nalini Arora
The social distancing due to the coronavirus has been very stressful, and scary. For someone who suffers from anxiety, this has triggered me beyond belief. To keep myself busy, I’ve been spending time drawing, and being creative in between work projects, and spending time with my family.
Some creative projects I’ve taken on are painting again. I have a kids book idea that I’ve always wanted to explore, and maybe this is the time. A good friend of mine reminded me so perhaps I should go there right now. It’s kind of an adventureland, Ramona Quimby series, so could be fun!?
I need the distraction because watching or listening to the news is not very healthy for me. I do the occasional Tic Toc perusal for a good laugh. ( Have you visited the app? It’s pretty hilarious.)
What are you doing during this time of social distancing? Are you working from home? Are you taking time off? Has your employer let you go? It’s terrible what’s happening. If you want to talk about it, please go to the comments, and share ! Or if you have a book, or movie you want to share, please do. Want to go on a coronavirus rant? Go right ahead!
I also thought about starting at designer/creative zoom chat? We can talk design?trends? keep ourselves inspired and creative. Would you be interested in that? if so, let me know in the comments or email me here. Nonetheless, I’d love to hear from you!!!
Stay indoors, and stay safe!